St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Worship Leaders

At St. Joseph's we strive to promote and enhance the religious life of our school.  To assist with this we have appointed some very special children who lead others in their role as Worship Leaders. 


Our Worship Leaders are Year 6 pupils who have applied for the post as they wanted to be involved in planning and developing worship and liturgy in our school. 


As part of their role Worship Leaders;


  • Help to plan Masses and assemblies with the RE Lead 
  • Read at Masses and assemblies 
  • Prepare the hall for Worship and Celebration Assemblies 
  • Write prayers for Masses and assemblies 
  • Are members of CAFOD Club
  • Lead their class when praying the Angelus
  • Lead other by demonstrating correct liturgical actions and responses during Mass 
  • Act as role models around the school 


